Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We received an update on our son's brother. We found out he actually has at least one more brother, that makes at least 4 brothers he will leave behind in Ethiopia. This makes me sad, as I do not know how he will deal with that or how his brothers have coped with not having him around. I cannot imagine what these children go through. They have lost everything.
His oldest brother that we know of is 16, which makes him the legal living guardian for our son. He is in region called Kembatta, which is about 7.5 hours away from Addis Ababa. The good news is they have contacted the social worker from the orphanage there and he knew exactly who they were inquiring about and says he knows where to find him. He assured my agency that the brother will be there for court on the 30th. We cannot wait to bring him home and post a picture for everyone to see how handsome he is.
I have conflicting feelings about this as our son has not seen his brother for about 18 months. I hope the Lord has resolved in his heart that he is ready for a family from America to bring him home forever. I cannot fathom the things our children have seen or experienced. Our son was living on the streets with his brothers for almost two years before his brother brought him to the orphanage because they were really struggling to find enough food on the street for all of them. I hope his brother wants our son to be adopted and come to America, as he is old enough now to contest or consent to our adoption of his brother.
Please be in prayer for our son and his brother and the emotions both of them may face on April 30th.
We cannot wait to bring both of our children home.