Psalm 27:7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice, And be gracious to me and answer me.
It is an amazing thing to me that God would even once hear me, let alone answer! I never get used to the miracle of prayer. It is truly moment by moment. Why does God answer me? In small and large moments in my life, I choose my own agenda over His. I so often run to Him for help with the messes I have made in my foolishness and rebellion to Him. I have no present argument that He should hear me. I have no wisdom to present to gain His attention. I have no constant record of good deeds that would warrent His attention. I've been more often waivering than faithful. I often try to justify my sins rather than seek His forgiveness. I struggle with contentment and am often attracted to temporary pleasures this world offers. The desires of my heart seem to wander again and again. I often seem to forget to Whom I belong and what all I've been forgiven for. Again and again, I seem to contradict the theology that I say I believe with all my heart. I seem to find myself asking for forgiveness for the same sins over and over again. Underserving is the way I stand before Him. This is why I must follow David's example in Scripture by appealing to God's great mercy when I pray. David cannot look to himself for any reason God would listen and answer and neither can I. Yet, there is still a miracle before us, we do not have to fear God's rejection. I have been found righteous in His eyes by the imputed righteousness of Christ. So, why does God answer? He answers because of His own reason. Prayer finds its hope in the character and plan of God, not in the qualifications of the one doing the praying. He answers because of who He is. He answers because of what He is doing. He answers because He loves to provide grace for the moment. He answers to ulitmately bring glory to Himself. God delights in having a people for Himself and in His great love His eyes and ears are attentive to our cries. Throughout Scripture God answers the cries of His people. He commands that we bring all of our cares to Him and assures He really does care for us. The prayers of His people never fall upon deaf ears. God still hears my cries and answers me even in my weakness and failure. He delights in using His power and glory to meet the needs of His struggling child. If it were not for the grandeur of His forgiving grace, I would not be able to have a relationship with the Lord at all. Because of God's amazing grace, I will one day be transformed completely and no longer stand in the need of prayer or forgiveness. God continue to hear my cries and transform me into the likeness of Christ. Lord, Your commitment to Your own glory is my only hope. Because of God's commitment to His own glory, I am assured He will hear and answer my cry. This is the only reason I can approach in confidence. My hope in prayer is never found in me, it is must be found in You.