Thursday, December 27, 2007


I have really been considering adoption and its various aspects and the thing I have found myself truly pondering is the cost. Not so much the financial cost for us to adopt, but the cost of the God of the universe- His Son's life, for my adoption into His family. Some people have commented, we could purchase a "nice, new car for the cost of this adoption". I have been heart broken over the hard-hearted responses and lack of understanding to help invest in someones life. These are two precious children, our children, who deserve a chance at a life learning about their need of the Savior they otherwise may not have. The price that is paid for this adoption, whether through a loan or financial donations, it doesn't equate to the investment in a child's life for the Kingdom of God. Nor does it in anyway equate to the cost of our Savior's life. It may cost us another payment for several years to pay this off, but if doesn't cost me, Michael or our children our lives. I love Jesus more each day as I ponder what my adoption cost Him. You cannot repay someone for the gift that was given and sacrificed for my ransom to satisfy my debt to God. I am so humbled by this gift of mercy. I pray that I may be His servant in a manner worthy of His gospel. I have too often not taken the time to consider the things the Lord has placed before me. Lord, please continue to refine and sanctify me for Your work.
"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay. Habbakuk 2:3