Friday, December 14, 2007


We got the approval that our dossier is ready to go. We are only waiting on the money and it to be authenticated in DC. I also mailed our final stuff to USCIS (Immigration) to wait for the golden paper that gives us permission to bring our children home. Only God knows what He has in store for us. We have been so blessed. We have always been able to give our excess to others especially clothing. Only God could use us to provide for others while we were needing provision. Our Great God owns a cattle on a thousand hills, and allows some of that provision to pass through our hands into the lives of those around us. God has blessed us tremendously and I don't want to ever take that for granite. He is always faithful. We have been offered some clothing from a good friend (too much to mail... PRAISE GOD!!!) I am learning to trust God, this has been so hard for me. But, I am learning. Thankfully, our Lord is a perfect teacher. God's provision always exceed my thoughts. I'm excited about watching Him work in our lives. As hard as this has been, my prayer and desire still remain, God refine me as gold.